Ctesiphon — Messaging Application using .NET Core , Redis and Websockets
Ever since i started playing online games in middle-school back in 2003 i have been using messaging applications in order to communicate with my peers. The first such application which in time became ubiquitous was Skype.
While gaming was the main dish — i still remember the countless hours spent playing Warcraft 3 , Cs 1.6 , Dota etc — we were also using it to chat , have some after school fun and also discuss homeworks , share ideas etc.
Years after completely abandoning gaming and joining the developers guild , dabbling for some time in areas such as Industrial Automation , Embedded Devices i rediscovered my passion for chat applications , but this time i wanted to create them.
This is the purpose of this article. To show you how to write a chat application from scratch.
Note: For those that are interested in the source code you can find my repository on github with full comments,diagrams and explanations here.
Supported Features:
- subscription to one or multiple chat rooms
- unsubscription from target/all chat rooms
- sending messages to target chat room
- receiving messages from all subscribed chat rooms
Important !!!!!!!!!!
This will be a lengthy article so for those that want to digest it step by step you can find it in in github repository here or as a pdf here .
- Server: ASP NET Core Web application — the server where our logic will run handling client operations (subscribe/unsubscribe/publish message/get channels)
- Database : Redis as a message broker with its publish/subscribe functionality and also for storage (user subscribed channels)
- Client Communication Protocol : Since this is a chat application (bidirectional communication required) , the protocol we will be using is Websockets.
By flow we will be referring to the way both inbound- messages arriving from the client and outbound messages sent to the client are handled and where and how does the Websocket object fit in as well as the Redis database.
Inbound Task
The inbound a Task is basically a loop which receives messages from the client , parses them and dispatches them to an appropriate handler as can be seen from above.
Note: One such handler will write messages to a redis channel.
Outbound Task
The outbound Task is a loop started asynchronously from the inbound task.Its purpose is to pop items off the queue and write them over the websocket to the connected client.
The Outbound Queue
The outbound queue acts as a sink for all producers as can be seen from the picture. In our case the producers are:
- Inbound Task: The messages that the server sends back to the client (messages of type SERVER_RESULT)
- Redis: All messages that are published on channels on which our user is subscribed to.
As long as there are messages available in the queue we pop them and send them to the client over the websocket connection.
When there are no messages inside the queue, the task blocks , awaiting new ones.
Implementation & Source Code
We will be starting our project from a template of type ASP NET Core Web Application`.
/// The entrypoint in our applicationpublic class Program {
public static void Main(string[] args) {
} public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args)
var webhostbuilder = WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
return webhostbuilder;
/// Called above by extension method `UseStartup`
/// Constants.REDIS_CONNECTION is a plain string , eg: localhost:6379 (6379 is the default redis port)public class Startup {public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) {
Configuration = configuration;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
ConnectionMultiplexer mux = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(Constants.REDIS_CONNECTION);
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app) {
app.MapWhen(y => y.WebSockets.IsWebSocketRequest, a => a.UseMiddleware<SocketWare>());
The above sections are mandatory in any ASP NET Core application and are automatically generated from the template .
The Program.Main starts the application and will use the `Startup` class to configure it.
In the Startup.ConfigureServices , the ConnectionMultiplexer is our connection to the redis database and will be injected as a singleton resource in our application. Connected clients will use the multiplexer as a factory for subscriptions to target channels.
In the `Startup` class `Configure` method above , notice the `MapWhen`extension . Based on a predicate it will route all requests to the specified ASP NET Core Middleware.
In our case:
- predicate = request should be of type websocket
- middleware is of type `SocketWare` (presented below)
public class SocketWare {
private RequestDelegate next;
private ConnectionMultiplexer mux;
public SocketWare(RequestDelegate_next,ConnectionMultiplexer mux) {
this.next = _next;
this.mux = mux;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
using (var socket = await context.WebSockets.AcceptWebSocketAsync())
ChatClient client = new ChatClient(this.mux);
await client.RunAsync(socket);
The ConnectionMultiplexer is passed using dependency injection — remember it was injected in the Startup.ConfigureServices method !
The Invoke method is a minimal requirement for any ASP NET Core Middleware so that the framework knows to route the incoming request , and lets you handle it.
This is the core of the application and since it is the most complex part i will post the entire component , and will explain it afterwards.
The core component uses a private field of type State for its operations.
internal class State {
public string ClientId { get; set; }
public Task outboundTask;
public ISubscriber subscriber;
public IDatabase redisDB;
- ISubscriber is a component of StackExchangeRedis and is used to subscribe/unsubscribe on redis channels.
- IDatabase is a also a component of the StackExchangeRedis and is used for issuing redis querries.
- outboundTask — the task that runs the outbound flow ( taking messages from the queue and pushing them over the websocket)
Chat Client
public sealed partial class ChatClient { private const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
private State state = new State();
private BlockingCollection<string> outboundQueue = new BlockingCollection<string>();
private Action<RedisChannel, RedisValue> onRedisMessageHandler = null;
public Action<RedisChannel, RedisValue> OnRedisMessageHandler {
get {
if (this.onRedisMessageHandler == null) {
this.onRedisMessageHandler = new Action<RedisChannel, RedisValue>((channel, value) => this.outboundQueue.Add(value));
return this.onRedisMessageHandler;
}//Constructor -receives the multiplexer
public ChatClient(ConnectionMultiplexer mux) {
this.state.subscriber = mux.GetSubscriber();
this.state.redisDB = mux.GetDatabase();
public async Task RunAsync(WebSocket socket) {
this.state.outboundTask = Task.Run(async()=>await OutboundLoopAsync(socket));
await this.InboundLoopAsync(socket);
public async Task OutboundLoopAsync(WebSocket socket){
foreach (var item in this.outboundQueue.GetConsumingEnumerable()) {
var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(item);
await socket.SendAsync(bytes,WebSocketMessageType.Text,true,CancellationToken.None);
}private async Task InboundLoopAsync(WebSocket socket) {byte[] inboundBuffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(BUFFER_SIZE);
try {
while (true) {
WebSocketReceiveResult wsResult = await socket.ReceiveAsync(inboundBuffer,CancellationToken.None);
if (wsResult.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close) {
byte[] incomingBytes = inboundBuffer[0..wsResult.Count];
WSMessage message = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<WSMessage>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(incomingBytes));
await this.HandleMessageAsync(message); //check next section !
} finally {
await this.CleanupSessionAsync();
} // cleanup routine
private async Task CleanupSessionAsync() {
foreach (var channelHash in await this.state.redisDB.HashGetAllAsync(this.state.ClientId)) {
await this.state.subscriber.UnsubscribeAsync(channelHash.Name.ToString(), this.OnRedisMessageHandler);
await this.state.redisDB.KeyDeleteAsync(this.state.ClientId);
The RunAsync is the entrypoint to our client ; it starts the asynchronous outboundTask and then continues with running the inbound task.
When the inboundTask is finished/throws exception , we run the CleanupSessionAsync which deletes channel subscriptions as well as client data stored in a redis hashset.
The OnRedisMessageHandler delegate adds new messages to the outboundQueue and is needed to be provided when subscribing/unsubscribing on a target channel.
The outboundTask is a long running loop , that pops messages off the outboundQueue or waits in case of none present (blocking operation) ; the popped message is then written over the websocket to the client.
Note : To better understand the scope of the two tasks check out the Sequence Diagram .
Chat Client Handlers
Now that all I/O operation logic has been written we are going to define the message types and their handlers:
Message Types
public enum DISCRIMINATOR {
Note — All messages that travel over the websocket both inbound and outbound comply to the format of WSMessage
Whenever a new inbound message arrives we call the below method.
Depending on the WSMessage Kind we will deserialize the WSMessage Payload in a Control Message or a ChatMessage.
private async Task HandleMessageAsync(WSMessage message) {
switch (message.Kind) { case WSMessage.DISCRIMINATOR.CLIENT__SUBSCRIBE: ControlMessage subscribeMessage = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ControlMessage>(message.Payload);
await this.HandleSubscribeAsync(subscribeMessage);
ControlMessage unsubscribeMessage = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ControlMessage>(message.Payload);
await this.HandleUnsubscribeAsync(unsubscribeMessage);
ChatMessage chatMessage = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ChatMessage>(message.Payload);
await this.HandleMessageAsync(chatMessage);
await this.HandleGetChannelsAsync(message);
Next we are going to see how each message is being treated. The source file cand be found here as well .
Susbscribe Handler
private async Task HandleSubscribeAsync(ControlMessage subscribeMessage) {
WSMessage outboundMessage = null;
if (subscribeMessage.ClientId != this.state.ClientId && this.state.ClientId != null) {
outboundMessage = new WSMessage {
Payload = $"Error: ClientId mismatch ! "
if (await state.redisDB.HashExistsAsync(this.state.ClientId = subscribeMessage.ClientId, subscribeMessage.Channel)) {
outboundMessage= new WSMessage {
Payload = $"Error: ALREADY SUBSCRIBED TO CHANNEL {subscribeMessage.Channel}"
await this.state.subscriber.SubscribeAsync(subscribeMessage.Channel, this.OnRedisMessageHandler);
await state.redisDB.HashSetAsync(subscribeMessage.ClientId, subscribeMessage.Channel, "set");
outboundMessage = new WSMessage {
Payload = $"Subscribed to channel : {subscribeMessage.Channel} SUCCESSFULLY !"
In order for the client to subscribe to a channel he must provide a `ClientId` as well as a ChanneId .
For each client we store in redis an associated hashset of the form :
{ “client_x” ,
[ { “channel1”:”set” } , {“channel2”,”set”} , {“channel3”,”set”}] }`
We will first test if the ClientId matches with the one in redis.If positive we will test if the target Channel is already present in the redis hashset.
If all is fine we will use the SubscribeAsync method for the target `Channel` providing the OnRedisMessageHandler as the required argument.
On any type of failure we will write in the outboundQueue a SERVER_RESULT type of message with the specific error message.
Unsubscribe Handler
private async Task HandleUnsubscribeAsync(ControlMessage unsubscribeMessage) {
WSMessage outboundMessage = null;
bool deleted = await state.redisDB.HashDeleteAsync(this.state.ClientId, unsubscribeMessage.Channel);
if (!deleted) {
outboundMessage = new WSMessage {Kind = WSMessage.DISCRIMINATOR.SERVER__RESULT,Payload = $" UNSUBSCRIBE UNSUCCESSFUL"};
await this.state.subscriber.UnsubscribeAsync(unsubscribeMessage.Channel, this.OnRedisMessageHandler);
outboundMessage = new WSMessage {
We delete the hashset associated with the `ClientId` and then use UnsubscribeAsync providing the OnRedisMessageHandler.
The result of the operation is written to the `outboundQueue`.
Chat Message Handler
private async Task HandleMessageAsync(ChatMessage chatMessage) {
if (!await this.state.redisDB.HashExistsAsync(chatMessage.ClientId, chatMessage.Channel)) {
WSMessage outboundMessage = new WSMessage {
Payload = $"Can not send message. Client : {chatMessage.ClientId} " +
$"does not exist or is not subscribed to channel : {chatMessage.Channel}"
await this.state.subscriber.PublishAsync(chatMessage.Channel, $"Channel : {chatMessage.Channel}, Sender : {chatMessage.ClientId}, Message : {chatMessage.Message}");
If the client is subscribed to the target channel ( the channel name exists in the redis hashset) we publish the message to redis.
Otherwise we write the failed attempt to the `outboundQueue`.
Get Channels Handler
private async Task HandleGetChannelsAsync(WSMessage message) {
var channels = await this.state.redisDB.HashGetAllAsync(this.state.ClientId);
outboundQueue.Add(new WSMessage {
Payload = channels.ToJson()
} We retrieve all key-values from the `ClientId` redis hashset and forward the result to the `outboundQueue`.
The dispatcher as well as the handlers can be found here
NET 5.0
For this application we are using .NET 5.0 and you can download it from [here](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/5.0).
For this solution you will need to install Redis Server . You can download it from here.
For windows users (me included) the easiest way to install redis is via the package manager chocolatey from here. Once installed from a terminal just run:
> choco redis`
If the install was successful from a terminal run
> redis-server
and you should see the below output which indicates your redis server is up and running..
With the `redis-server` started you can start playing with redis using the `Redis-Cli` from a terminal with the command:
> redis-cli
Start having fun with redis by trying its Commands !
I will be using Simple WebSocket Client as a testing interface.
Now that you are comfortable with the Simple WebSocket Client we can try sending messages to ourselves like below:
We subscribe to channel `mychannel`, we send some messages and then unsubscribe. As expected the last message will not get published since we unsubscribed from the target channel.
For debugging/diagnosing purposes you can open Redis-Cli and via the Pub/Sub functionality , subscribe to the target Channel and see what messages are flowing through it , or push messages directly and see if they arrive in your Simple WebSocket Client . (Make sure you send only serialized WSMessage.
Further developments
In this article we have developed the server of a chat application.
We have tested the application by using a simple websocket client as an extension of google chrome but as you might have already guessed , for any non-trivial scenario in which this application is going to be used , we are going to need a dedicated Chat Client.
This is precisely what the next article will be about. Stay tuned !